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Trailer For Daisy Ridley’s Dark Dramady SOMETIMES I THINK ABOUT DYING


Oscopelabs has released the first trailer for Daisy Ridley’s upcoming surreal dark dramady Sometimes I Think About Dying. This is definitely a different kind of movie for Ridley and we’ve never really seen her play a character like this before. The movie looks quite depressing.

Ridley plays Fran in the movie, a socially awkward office worker who spends most of her time in isolation and daydreams of her own death. Then a new colleague enters the picture and changes things.

In the film, “Lost on the dreary Oregon coast, Fran finds solace in her cubicle, listening to the constant hum of officemates and occasionally daydreaming to pass the time. She is ghosting through life, unable to pop her bubble of isolation, when a friendly new coworker, Robert, persistently tries to connect with her. Though it goes against every fiber of her being, she may have to give this guy a chance. Director Rachel Lambert and team craft beautiful cinema for this delicately told story of love for the socially awkward and emotionally challenged.”

It’s explained that the film is “made all the more human by its lovely cast, most prominent in the penetrating eyes of lead actress/producer, Daisy Ridley, and the caring smile of lead actor, Dave Merheje. Sometimes I Think About Dying is an unexpected fable on the virtues of living.”

The movie is based on the 2019 short film directed and co-written by Stefanie Abel Horowitz which, in turn, was based on a play called Killers by Kevin Armento; Katy Wright-Mead serves as a co-writer for both the short and the feature’s screenplay. The movie is directed by Rachel Lambert.

Sometimes I Think About Dying opens in theaters on January 25, 2024.

Originally posted 2023-11-18 10:13:38.